Press releases of the 18th sqn. An overview:
The 18th squadron, also called the Forgotten Squadron, is known by few people. To increase the familiarity and visibility of the Forgotten Squadron, we regularly try to use the media. We give you an overview of recent media activities.
Do you see press relaeses about the 18th sqn which you cannot find below? Please send it to us, so we can add that message, photo, video, or sound clip to this list.
Latest releases:
Article on the internet: memorial of 75 year 18e sqn in Adelaide april 2017. At the end of the article a nice diashow.

Send by Sjoerd Pelder: Article in the Leeuwarder Courant 7 april 2017, in 2 parts
April 2017:
Article in the Dutch newspaper "het AD": About the Memorial in Australia, reveiling the B 25.
April 2017:
Article in Dutch magazine "Piloot en Vliegtuig", About the Memorial in Australia 75 year 18th sqn
May 2017:
Television item on Dutch television in "Hart van Nederland": About the Memorial in Australia, reveiling the B 25.…/zoon-nederlandse-veteraan-onthult-bomm…
May 2017:
Radio broadcasting on Dutch Radio 1: About the Memorial in Australia, also an article: